Weight loss tips!

I work at a gym and talk to a lot of people daily about their goals. Many people go to the gym and want to lose weight but don’t know how to, I will let the cats out the bag and just tell you!

Best way to lose weight is compound movements… Well what does that mean..?  Multi- joint movements such as Squat, bench press, lung curls and my favorite ball slams! By doing multi-joint movement you burn more calories and tone muscles in the process. 

One more huge tip is cardio! It takes 3500 calories to burn off 1 pound of fat. With that being said if you burn off an average of 500 extra calories than you eat per day then you will loose 1 pound of fat at the end of the week. 

Ok, so your probably asking yourself how do I know how many calories you should eat to maintain your weight? Good question. 

You have to figure out your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) To so this follow these steps below.

1. Get you height in cm. (get your height in inches then times it by 2.54 to get cm)

2. Ger you weight in Kg. If you know it in lbs you can times that by .454 to get Kg

For male use this equation: BMR = 66 + (13.8 x weight in kg.) + (5 x height in cm) – (6.8 x age in years).

For females use this:  BMR = 655 + (9.6 x weight in kg.) + (1.8 x height in cm) – (4.7 x age in years).

Once you figure out your BMR, you can eat that amount to maintain weight and lower your daily total calories by exercising and burning off 250 calories and eating 250 calories less. 

Ex: 2500 daily intake, exercise burned off 250 calories, and you at only 2250 calories daily. This brings you to 2000 daily calories for the day and if you do this for 7 days you will lose 1 pound at the end of the week! Double it then you will lose 2! If you do 2 calories a week I recommend you only cut 250 calories and triple your exercise and burn 750 calories daily.

So in conclusion do more multi joint movements, at least 30 mins of cardio per day, and keep a food journal. The food journal will allow for you to be aware of what you eat and allow you to have a better idea of how much weight you will lose at the end of the week! Exciting right, well get started! 

If you have any questions, please comment and i will answer at my earliest convenience!

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